Wunder Workshop Bear Hug

A Bear Hug for Calm

Wunder Workshop Bear Hug tincture

Sink deep into the soft embrace of a friend. Feel the warmth resonating from them, the strength of their arms clasping around you and truth in the certainty of their presence.

Nothing beats a bear hug.

But recently these important, uplifting moments have been put in the balance. Making us hesitate whether to jump right in or keep a distance.

The Bear Hug represents that comfort and calm, it is reassurance that this soothing feeling is there for you when you feel overwhelmed.

This botanical tincture is an alchemy of lavender, verbena, oat tops, and lemon balm, and our chosen flower essence is mimulus. All of the ingredients in Bear Hug are sourced from a British biodynamic farm who grow these herbs in tune with the moon.

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

The magical fragrance of lavender is renowned for its calming properties, yet this blossoming bush is more potent when consumed. Made up primarily of linalool, lavandulol and linalyl acetate, whole lavender extract has a range of benefits both in aromatherapy and orally. 

It has a long history of medicinal use dating beyond medieval times for its use as an anti-depressive, anxiolytic and for its calming properties. Modern science has validated this anxiety relieving and mood improvement in recent studies too, and lavender's mechanism to enhance the inhibitory tone of the central nervous system help to explain the soothing potential it holds. 

Vervain (Verbena officinalis)

Sometimes referred to as the "herb of grace", the whole plant is used as an extract for melancholia, depression, anxiety and insomnia in traditional medical systems. It contains a number of unique compounds, such as verbenin and verbenalin, which have shown a wide variety of benefits in both animal and human studies in modern medicine, that include anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties to name just a couple. 

Oat Tops (Avena sativa)

Just before this nourishing plant sets seed, the oat tops are harvested to extract their medicinal properties. It is the time when one unique compound, avenin, is found at its peak. 

Not just a primary food source across much of Europe, this amazing grain can support the nervous system and be restorative, opposing feelings of burn out and exhaustion. When our nervous system is in a fragile, stress-induced state it can be easily overwhelmed. Oat tops' sedative and calming effects allow space for our minds and bodies to restore.

Lemon Balm (melissa officinalis)

One of our favourite herbs for a happy heart. Long used in Europe's traditional medicinal systems, modern science is now validating much of its use. It has a potent action on the central nervous system, expressing inhibitory pathways that help to calm and relax the mind and body. Its proposed mechanisms of action target the GABAa and acetylcholine receptors which cause this inhibitory effect. 

It is also a potent antioxidant and its affects on mood have been shown to be beneficial to both memory and cognitive function in some experiments. 

Mimulus (mimulus gultatis)

Mimulus flower essence is for every day fears and anxiety. It is your floral shield to confront the anxieties that you know and can pinpoint the origin, making precious petals more resilient and positive minded. The resonance of this flower helps us to live life without fear and enjoy the ride.

All of the ingredients in Bear Hug are sourced from a British biodynamic farm who grow these herbs in tune with the moon.

How to use: 1/3 pipette directly under the tongue or in a glass of liquid, up to 3 times a day. 72 servings per 50ml bottle.

lavandum angustifolia Bear Hug Wunder Workshop

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