Meet mindfulness king and author of ‘100 Mindfulness Meditations’, Neil Seligman. The UK is in the throes of a Mindfulness Revolution— it's almost impossible to visit Instagram without coming across yet another post telling us why we should be more mindful + less mindless. Doctors, academics, neuroscientists, psychologists, journalists and coaches all seem to be embracing the practice, proclaiming its benefits, and it’s any wonder why! Neil noticed that many people who are excited by the ideas and benefits of mindfulness have found it tricky to integrate daily. Keep reading to find out how he keeps a golden mind despite the pressures of life.

- How do you find your daily source of golden balance?
My mindfulness practice leads me into the day with a mix of breathing exercises, mindful movements, yoga, meditation and commitments. That helps to set me up for a day of balance and usually happiness.
- How important is self-care to you, and do you often implement it into your regular rituals?
Self-care is foundational to everything else - it has become the ground upon which my life is constructed.
- Share with us a quote that gives you daily inspiration.
'Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour' ~ Rumi
- How do you practice nourishment every day?
That depends on what I discover in my daily meditation and what I feel inspired and motivated to do each day. My go-to nourishment activities include walking the dog, weight-training, swimming, and dancing - particularly '5 Rhythms’ which I try to do every week or two. I also find my work deeply nourishing and inspiring as well as expressing my creativity in my Soul Portrait process.
- What are some of your favourite ways to wind down?
I like to read - I have a thirst for learning and love anything around psychology, human potential, and mindfulness. My boyfriend and I usually have a few TV shows on the go as well - we’re into the latest Orange is The New Black and West World at the moment!
- Ingredients-wise, what are your three non-negotiables in the kitchen?
Himalayan Rock Salt / My Mum’s Marmalade / Dark Chocolate
- Now tell us, do you have a guilty pleasure?
Probably gave that away already - absolutely love dark chocolate - particularly the ones with orange flavour. Found a great one in Greece on hols last week!
- What is your favourite way to use turmeric?
In a turmeric chai
- Matcha or turmeric latte?
Turmeric latte!